The Pros And Cons Of Airports Before 9/11

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On September 11th of 2001, Joseph Dittmar was taking part in a business meeting inside the Southern World Trade Center Tower. Early in the meeting, someone came into the room and told them there had been an explosion in the North Tower and that they needed to leave. As they were making their way down the stairwell Dittmar recalls seeing a door that was left ajar, and through the windows of the room he saw the crumbling Northern Tower. Shortly after, United Airlines Flight 175 struck the Southern Tower as Dittmar made his escape. Although Dittmar escaped with his life, many did not. This event could have been avoided if it were not for the poor security measures of airports at the time. U.S airport security has been greatly refined since 9/11, but still has flaws and its methods spark controversy. Terrorist attacks involving airports before 9/11 took place with little done to prevent or detect them. This is mostly due to the security personnel and their equipment. A job in airport security at the time was considered rather unskilled and required little education or training. Wages were low and most employees had poor or improper training. Airports would not be surprised to see exceedingly high turnover rates between years. With this mixture of a small salary and unskilled …show more content…

Although the TSA has somewhat reduced restrictions on child screening, the protocol is still meticulous enough to have some parents up in arms. The TSA has once again changed their protocol on screening children recently in an attempt to avoid the more controversial techniques, but the chance of them still taking place was explained best by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano saying, "There will always be some unpredictability built into the system, and there will always be random checks even for groups that we are looking at differently, such as children.”