
The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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The Draize test is used in animal testing, a test where scientists get albino rabbits and immobilize them as their eyelids are held open by clips for many days, so they are unable to blink away the product that is being tested. This is to determine if the product will cause irritation or inflammation. The United States allows animals to be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, drowned, addicted to drugs, and brain-damaged. Any experiment, no matter how painful and agonizing, it is allowed to do on animals. Pain-killers are not even required! Many animals go through pain on a daily basis without any anesthesia. Kittens and many other animals are purposefully blinded, mice get tumors larger than themselves, and rabbits get products in their eyes without being able to wash away the irritation. Scientists have their experiments force-feed animals deadly chemicals, manage to give animals surgery over and over again, and much more. All these inhumane acts are being done to …show more content…

For example, animal testing was conducted for the drug Vioxx. Positive outcomes were recorded in animals like mice. Vioxx was approved by the Federal Drug Administration and distributed to humans. 27,000 heart attacks were recorded in human use. This is just one instance where animal testing results failed to predict the human results of using such a drug. Companies should reconsider the usefulness and dependency of animal testing when it comes to its benefits to humankind. There are tests called in-vitro which detect the specific toxic properties of a drug or chemical by using human cells. Due to using human cells the results will be more accurate and relevant for us. Even though animals have benefited from certain medical trials, for instance the rabies vaccination, they still have to go through harsh experiments over and over again to make sure the vaccination

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