Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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Animal testing is a subject that has been deemed controversial for quite a long time now, and is still argued today. Now, you'll see many companies breaking from this animal testing, and making vegan products and selling almost just as well. Just listening to the word,"Animal testing" automatically makes you think of something horrible and inhumane, but there are reasons that it isn't.

California Biomedical Research Association says that almost every medical breakthrough within the last 100 years has been derived from animal testing. Animals, especially those that have extremely similar DNA to ours, have been exceptionally helpful in medical research. Rats, for example, have DNA that very closely resembles ours, which makes them an easy route to use for medical research and commercial products that need to be tested in order to be declared acceptable for human use. Plus, in addition, rats are not even close to be an endangered species which leaves a lot of room for us to test on them. Experiments in which dogs had their pancreas's removed led directly to the discovery of insulin, critical to saving the lives of diabetics, and the dogs lived. "Animal research has also contributed to major advances in understanding and treating conditions such as breast cancer, brain …show more content…

Testing a new drug for side effects requires a circulatory system to carry the medicine to separate organs, which cannot be done with cell cultures or other vegan methods. Sometimes computers can be able to give us a vague idea of what might happen with a new medicine or drug, but no computer in the world is powerful enough to deduct the overall complexities of the human body and its systems. Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to create a system of technology, or cell cultures, able to decode how something will react in a human

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