Did you know that each year over 100 million helpless animals are killed? This happens because humans need safe medicines for our illnesses. Most medicines are tested on animals and many times the medicines to the animals. Animal testing and experiments need to be stopped.
Animals are harmed and even killed during the testing. If the animal does not die during the test, then the researchers kill them once the experiment is done. They either force the animals to breath in toxic fumes, have their skin burned off, or even have drills cut holes into their skull. If the experiment is successful for the researchers, it does not help the animals at all. The type of chemicals they would use can have major health defects later on that can possibly cause cancer or heart failure.
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The tests usually do not work with the animals so they are either killed or set back into nature. It is very rare for animals to get set back into nature but if it does happen then the chemicals from the tests can cause problems for them in the wild. For example the animals would not know how to hunt, protect itself from predators, and/or repopulate.
In the 1950s, a sleeping pill named Thalidomide was tested on pregnant mice, rats, cats and more had shown that there were no birth defects unless the drug was being used at an extremely high doses. This drug had caused over 10,000 babies to be born with severe deformations. The same thing has happened when animals were tested on the arthritis drug Vioxx. The test on animals showed it had a protective effect on the hearts of the animals, mice. The drug had caused more than 27,000 heart attacks or sudden cardiac deaths before this drug was taken out of the