Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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This blog will focus on the claim that science will be at a halt if animal testing is not allowed by law to be practiced in the future. In past blogs, it was described how much animal testing occurs and how many different uses there are for it. Not only were the different uses for it detailed, but all the different types of animal testing and each ones significance and relevance toward science. Science will be halted due to the loss of the ability of researchers to conduct animal testing for a number of different reasons. When animals are tested on in laboratories, they guarantee and improve not only human health and protection, but animal and environment health and protection as well. Because of scientists’ inability to test on humans, animals …show more content…

As I have mentioned in my last blog, animals are tested on for many reasons ranging from testing products to drugs to creating new animals from old. There are five known different types of testing that animals are used for. The first is exposure testing. This type of testing is done on rats, mice, dogs, cats, birds, and monkeys. By exposing the animals to cigarette smoke or microwaves, than scientists can find out whether they are harmful to humans and if they can cause negative effects like learning disabilities or pregnancy complications. Through this testing, humans are able to discover the negative effects of being exposed to certain elements, appliances, etc. The second type of testing is known as skin testing. Skin testing is mainly used for cosmetic purposes. The cosmetic companies expose animals to the product to observe whether a reaction can occur, nothing too serious of course, ranging from allergies to a rash. By testing the product on animals first, they can enhance their product if reactions do occur. The third type of testing is injection testing. Injection testing’s main purpose is drug testing. What occurs in this type of research is that the animals are injected with a disease or virus and then they are injected with the drug to see how effective it was in curing the animal and what side effects are observed. When anti-viruses or drugs have negative effects on the animals or fails to heal the animal of the illness, than they are euthanized. Therefore, scientists do not just allow the animal to suffer, but instead ends their life painlessly. The fourth type of testing is creation testing. Some species of animals like rats or mice are created just for research reasons. For example, Zucker rats are a breed of rats that exhibited diabetes in their genetic makeup when the fatty condition all the sudden appeared while scientists were doing research in 1985.

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