The Pros And Cons Of Being Gay

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Over the years being "black" has become a “fad” or an “act” that many others seem to adopt despite the labeling that comes along with the culture. This article talks about how homosexuals deal with discrimination and hardships much like African Americans have gone through throughout history. This same article compares gay rights to African American rights; but is it ok to compare the two? In a discussion amongst peers, I asked the question of whether they believed Gay could be considered “the new Black.” The article, "State of GAY," speaks of the support of gay rights and how it has now become one of the fastest growing social movements in the world's history. This article goes into explaining how ones race has the ability to determine their …show more content…

The argument that was made was based around the fact that African Americans have been systematically and physically oppressed, have been stolen from, colonized, raped, slaughtered, lynched, and experimented on all throughout history. It was stated that being black is not a choice or something that can be hidden. One individual stated that a homosexual could appear to NOT be homosexual, where as a black man or woman does not have the option of changing the color of their skin. Therefore making the point that gay and black could never be able to stand parallel for …show more content…

They explain the many social movements that are happening over the world and also the fight for marriage equality. These complications are compared to the African American civil rights movement. During the 1960s, there were multiple social movements used to target the issue of segregation and discrimination against African Americans, along with attempting to place an emphasis on their rights as American citizens. The article titled, “Supreme Court Rules State Must Allow Same-Sex Marriage,” speaks on one of the primary issues of how those of LGBTQ have been fighting the uphill battle of gaining the right to be legally married. This article explains what the Supreme Court did and how they ruled that couples of the same sex can now be married legally nationwide. Associate Justice by the name of Anthony Kennedy spoke on the situation and explained how he was for the legalization of gay marriage rather than being opposed to it. He stated that “"The Court, in this decision, holds same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry in all States.” According to this article, there are now two thirds of Americans that favor same sex marriages. But as we learn through Best’s teaching, statistics are not 100%