The Pros And Cons Of Domestic Violence

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3. Addressing domestic violence as a mental health problem has many positives and negatives. One of the best way to look at this is to divide each section into a paragraph. I will start out with the positives and move to the negatives. I will try to not do a biased view on them and let you make your own decision with if it is a good view or not.
One of the positive elements of looking at domestic violence as a mental health problem is that
Insurances can then pay for treatment needed. If a person have been abused or is the abuser then they more than likely need to see some counseling or help. Most of the times insurance companies only pay for things that they can see as beneficial for the individual. The majority of insurance companies will only pay for counseling if you fit into the DSM standards. …show more content…

By making it a mental health problem it creates a DSM category that they would fit into to get the help that they need. Another advantage to making domestic violence a mental health issues is that it helps the abused or abuser understand that there is help. Many times when someone is abused or is abusing, they often to do not search for help because they do not know where to go or believe that no one can help them. If this becomes a mental health problem then there will be more awareness brought to the issue as well as making it where people know where to turn to get help. One of the negatives to making domestic violence a mental health problem is because mental health tends to have a negative stigma in America. It has been said that if you have a mental problem you should turn to God to solve