The Pros And Cons Of Food Stamps

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Food stamps provides food assistance to low income Americans in the effort to minimize hunger and decrease poverty. Food security can be meet by the working, unemployed, and the homeless through SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). In the US, 40 million American’s avoid hunger. The large proportion of people benefiting from SNAP are children; 49 percent of recipients (Mohan). The Agriculture Department conducted an experiment in 2012 to reveal how much impact SNAP has had on poverty, the results were astonishingly good. During the year of 2009 the poverty rate was decreased by 8 percent, and 15.5 percent of child poverty in the years of 2000 through 2009 (Mohan). With decreasing poverty, there isn’t any reason to stop SNAP as a whole. Americans are now getting the nutrition they should be with the help of SNAP and with ending the program, …show more content…

Many American’s do enjoy the help of SNAP and that it supports their need for food that they cannot support with their income, but there are others taking advantage of SNAP in the wrong way. A percentage of American’s are illegally selling food stamps to buy drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and etc. and there are possible solutions to this issue that are being denied. An estimated 10 percent of food stamps are said to be trafficked (illegally selling food stamps for drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and etc.) according to the General Accounting Office (Abuse, 56-57). A possible solution to this issue is drug testing applicants before being accepted for food stamps, which is what Governor Soot Walker of Wisconsin is fighting for. Free treatment and job training would be provided to the individuals that