The Pros And Cons Of Genetically Modified Corn

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Why is genetically modified corn better than regular grown corn? People will have different opinions because people have different ways of looking at this topic. Genetically modified corn is changed and non genetically modified corn is not. I love talking about the genetics of corn so I’m going to share a little about it with you today. Genetically modified corn is corn that has had its genetic makeup altered. Scientists will take the seeds and change them to better fit the needs of the society consuming the corn. Non genetically modified corn is susceptible to get diseases, therefore the scientists have to change the genetic makeup to protect the corn. Another reason they alter the corn is to increase the size of how much corn is produced. Non genetically modified corn is corn that has not been altered. Non modified corn holds a lot of calcium unlike modified corn. When genetically modified corn is altered, the calcium intake decreases. Your body needs calcium. Genetically modified corn holds 14 milligrams per liter of calcium. Non modified corn holds 6,130 milligrams per liter of calcium. …show more content…

You have to choose yourself which kind of corn you’d prefer. I’d prefer the non genetically modified corn and that’s because in modified corn, they run chemicals through the seed when they alter it to get the corn from becoming susceptible to diseases. We do not know what those chemicals are or what they do to our body. Most or all people who eat non modified corn do not catch a disease. When I say the corn is susceptible to diseases, i do not mean the corn will carry a disease to you, i am saying the corn could get a disease. There could be a disease in the corn but it’s not