The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Policy making is a long and rondures process, in which there are many red tapes that surround it like bureaucracy which prevent or slow down any process from being made. But when it comes to gun control and the publics safety and health some red tapes must be ripped off but some are not, and this is a big problem as some parties have different opinions and fact on the problem itself.
The public safety and its health is one of the big problems that policy makers face when it comes to gun control laws, as in any moment a gun might go off in a public place injuring or killing a specific targeted person or a bystander, or it can be so random that a mass shooting can occur at anytime and place injuring the public or killing them. As guns come in …show more content…

In which 156 of the mass shootings 1187 victims were shot, 848 of them were killed and 339 victims were injured(Everytown). Also in the event of these mass shootings 66 of the gunmen shot themselves after the incident and 17 of the gunmen were taken down and shot by law enforcement at the scene.
And there are striker gun control laws that may prevent these mass shootings and increase the safety and health of the public. Which are doing a background check before any sale of guns, having to pass a mental and health exam, prohibiting the sale of automatic weapons and high capacity weapon magazines (Everytown).
But for gun enthusiast laws and preventions are an infringement on their freedom and rights. As the Second Amendment states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” According to Larry Harris in the Huffpost (Harris 2017) gun advocates say that citizens need the right to be armed to protect the country and that citizens need to own a gun for self-protection as it is stated in the Second …show more content…

They are working on a legislation that makes silencers affordable to the public in which they will remove the $200 tax on every transfer (accessories for guns like: silencers scopes, and guns) (Harkness 2017), also they will remove the eight to twelve months waiting period to get approved for a purchase. As of June 14, 2017 the hearing of the Hearing Protection Act for deregulating gun silencers was canceled because of a shooting at a Congressional baseball practice, where a National Rifle Association leader was scheduled to push for the deregulation of gun silencers (Lerner 2017).
Issues and problems are in every policy, where these issues might keep the policy strong or they might make it weak in which government officials might change the policy itself or remove it entirely. With the help of the ATF and other organizations policy making becomes much easier, where agendas are set and problems are brought to hand to be evaluated and brought to the governments attention, in which a policy formula is created with the help of Congress and interest groups and the Courts. After the policy is created the implementation of the policy is in order and after years of it being implemented and in order of it being carried out through the years research and data is a must where as the “Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act” which was implemented for 10 years