The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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According to the website “shooting tracker” it tracks the mass shootings in America, and in the past year there has been an overall of 355 mass shootings. In a year there are 365 days and the last mass shooting was on December 2nd in San Bernardino. To put in perspective, there has been 355 shootings in one year which means there has been a shooting almost once a day the past year. Gun Control debates cannot come to a conclusion on whether to tighten the use of firearms or leave it to the Second Amendment of our constitution. Almost all of the violent crimes that have appeared this year included the use of a firearm. There are advocates to both sides of this argument and views of Gun Control. Mass shootings can happen anywhere which fears people …show more content…

The mass shootings made individuals reevaluate their views on gun control and how should the situation be handled. Some sense by removing and banning firearms will violate their Second Amendment and that it leaving them defenseless if a violent event happens in front of them (Domenech, 26). In the previous article by Domenech, states “Violent crime in the United States is at historic lows...Mass murder attracts a great deal of attention from the media”(Domenech, 26). Media attracts a lot of attention and the news spread rapidly. These viewers become more aware of their surroundings and become more cautious. America is at it’s lowest in mass murders according to history and we’ve been on a continuous decline rate since the 1930’s (Domenech, 26). In the UK they enacted a law that effectively banned the use of firearms and the effect it had on their country was a dramatic increase of crimes. In the same article they found that in America there was an extensive increase of gun ownership and a decrease in gun related crimes (Domenech, 28). Regarding back to the Constitution, if the government confiscates weapons from rightful owners it’s not only violating the Second Amendment but also the Fifth and Fourth Amendment and it wouldn’t be equitable to impose such of a law (Domenech,