
Argumentative Essay On School Shootings

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Safety is the number one priority when it comes to being in school but over the past years schools are becoming less and less safe and the number of school shooting is at an all time high. Most people are not surprised when they turn on their television and see that a tragic school shooting occurred once again. Many fault the government for their strict gun laws and how easily someone over the age of 18 can obtain a gun but statistically stricting the gun laws will actually cause crime to rise and leave many U.S. Citizens unsafe.

The United States was built on the 10 amendments and is the basic foundation for the U.S government. Written on September 17th, 1787, the 10 amendments guaranteed freedom of speech, worship, and the rights to bear arms. Under the 2nd amendment, it protects the rights of ownership and freedom of weapons for everyone and is purposed for people to be able to protect themselves. Despite this, recently there have been controversy as to if people should be able to bear arms. Throughout all of this the 2nd amendment hasn't gone unused as there are almost 300 million legal and registered guns in the United states today. The US population is 323 million; this is almost a 1:1 ratio of guns to people(Schoen 2016). …show more content…

Although mass shootings have greatly increased from 2001, bring in stricter gun laws is not a simple solution(Schmidt 2014). Throughout the years statics show that despite the fact that bring stricter gun laws seems like a good idea, it is often worse for the community. For example, California is known for its very strict gun laws, ranking at number one in the US, and this is a key factor to why crime rates are some of the highest in the country (Hartvigsen 2013). Statistics also show that from 1993 to 2013 guns per person has arisen and gain control per person has lowered (perry

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