The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws

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Should there be gun control laws? Everyone has their own opinions on whether we should have gun control laws or not. Everyone tries to interpret the meaning of the Second Amendment, but no interpretation is needed. The Second Amendment means exactly what it says. Constitutionally, gun control should not be allowed. Gun control laws restrict law abiding citizens from exercising their constitutional rights while doing little to keep the criminals from obeying the law. “The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads: ‘A well- regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.’” (Bernards 41). The Second Amendment directly states that citizens have to right to “keep and bear arms” without their rights being …show more content…

This belief of the gun control activist is wrong because the “...2d Amendment gives individuals a fundamental right to own firearms…” (“Encyclopedia: Gun Control”). Gun control supporters also believe the Second Amendment only allows the militia to be able to own and carry guns (Brady 84). This is false because “…’militia’ included all citizens who qualified for military service…”(Lund 88). The American civilians are the militia and make up the military. Either way, the states are unable to control who is considered to be part of the militia because the Second Amendment does not assert this right to the states. Instead the Second Amendment states that the people can “keep and bear arms”(Lund 89). In 2004 there was a