
The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton

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While the massive majority were assured of Clinton’s winning of the presidential elections 2016, only 3 people predicted Trump’s winning. It may seem odd that in a country where voting rights are celebrated should come to a controversial political phenomenon nowadays. Since 1965, all adults were allowed to vote in America. Whether white or a person of color, poor or rich, man or woman, all American citizens had a right to vote for who they should elect as a president. Some may question the reasons that would cause such a developed country to have conflicting and opposing ideas amongst its citizens. There are many reasons behind this difference in opinion. Ever since Bernie Sanders left the elections of the US presidency for 2016, the Democratic …show more content…

Health care, immigrants’ rights, and criminal justice are a few things that Hillary promises her supporters. As a great altruist of our time, Hillary Clinton gained support by displaying a great stance on a good deal of health related issues in the US and worldwide. Clinton’s concern for the American citizens’ wellbeing can be seen in her support to the Affordable Care Act, a program aiming to increase the availability of affordable health insurance (“Affordable Care Act”, 2017). Due to the repeal of republicans on its rise in insurance premiums on October 25, 2016, her campaign released the following response, “There's a clear choice in this election: either we're going to help American families and tackle health care cost issues, or we're going to throw 20 million people off their coverage and let the insurance companies write the rules again. Hillary Clinton wants to build on the progress we've made and fix what's broken.” (CNN, “Republicans go on offense over Obamacare,” 2016). Hillary is a strong advocate of the program as it reduces …show more content…

While Clinton is currently one of the firmest gun control advocates, her beliefs haven’t always been consistent throughout the years. Since 1993, Clinton supported gun control, this is evident when she spoke to the National Education Association in response to the Columbine massacre saying: "It does not make sense for us at this point in our history to turn our backs on the reality that there are too many guns and too many children have access to those guns -- and we have to act to prevent that," (Clinton, 1999). However, her view faded over the years. During her 2008 campaign, she described guns as “part of our culture” (Clinton, 2008), those who oppose Clinton explain her behavior as a way “to compete against Obama” (Gosztola, 2016). In 2016, she returned to her “original” stance of supporting gun control. As gun control became a sensitive issue nowadays, she returned to opposing the freedom of gun. To those who do not support Clinton, she is considered to be contradictory and inconsistent. In addition, her logical fallacies can be seen in a variety of different

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