
The Pros And Cons Of Immigration To The United States

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Immigration helps the United States if America for specific reasons and our country would not function the same without immigrants, illegal or legal for economic reasons. Immigrants come here from another country for a better life, they get better jobs here in america. immigrants are a major part of this economy because they have the will to work jobs that a majority of american-raised people are not willing to take. If immigrants are not here to take those jobs, it will cause disaster to the economy. They also bring money into the country to better it, not just work here. Immigration to the United States is mandatory for the economy of the country because immigrants promote labor force growth, entrepreneurship and human capital.
The strongest pro for immigrants coming to the U.S. to better the economy is the labor force growth that immigrants provide. Immigrants are willing to take jobs that are extremely tough because the conditions here are a lot better than what they are used to in their old countries. If these jobs don't get completed it can be devastating to the economy. In Forbes magazine, a right center bias media source, an article proves a perfect example of what happens to a country …show more content…

Human capital cannot be estimated with a dollar figure, but University of Colorado economist Keith Maskus has found that “for every 100 international students who earn science or engineering Ph.D.’s from American universities, the nation gains an impressive 62 future patent applications” (Anderson 1). 62 of 100 is an incredibly large number of people making patents, which proves how smart and creative immigrant students can be. This is another big factor of the economy because the odds that 62 of 100 international students create patents is huge to this country. The same idea of how business ideas and schemes can be passed on to other people applies to Human capital as

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