Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Immigration, especially as it pertains to illegal immigration is one of the most pressing issues in the United States today. To expound on the subject matter is one that would most certainly trigger passionate opinions. These diverse viewpoints and passions will often result in conversations exploding.
Our current system is in shambles. The immigration system is broken, and has been as such for many decades. Many immigrants have worked so hard contributing to the country, why can’t they be given the opportunity to change their status? The dream of becoming a citizen remains something that many illegal immigrants can only hope for. They continue to live in the shadows hoping and wishing for the day that they can live freely in the country they love so much. They came to this great country seeking the American dream, and they go out everyday faithfully fighting for it. Unfortunately, everyday is also a never ending battle for equal rights.
Close the borders now! We do not want anymore illegal immigrants. This is what we oftenhear from those opposed to having the immigrants, or any newcomers entering the United States. Their reason for this is for the fear of diseases, safety of the United States against terrorism, safety of the citizens, and for the safety of the children who have been found crossing the borders. They feel illegal immigrants create a …show more content…

Illegal immigrants help boost the economy. They are important to the US economy, as well as certain industries like agriculture. They contribute more to the system than they take out. The illegal immigrants assist in revitalizing the economically depressed communities, as they seek to improve their own lives; through inexpensive labor they have helped keep U.S food prices down. One of the false misconceptions is that they take away jobs from the American citizens. The illegal immigrants accept the jobs that go unwanted by the