The Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalization of Marijuana in More States By definition marijuana is a “drug”, nobody said all drugs are bad. Why do individuals personally believe marijuana should not be legalized? The media has pounded it into society’s heads that it is “bad”. Which has caused a stigma against marijuana, because of bias today’s society is choosing to ignore something that could potentially be extremely helpful. Throughout history cannabis has been talked about in books and even the bible. So when did people start to see it as a harmful or “bad” substance? Did it become a fear of the unknown? There are cons to legalization, but the pros definitely outweigh them. For example: medical purposes, crime rates, and economy. There is some people …show more content…

There is a lot of concern with the lung health of marijuana smokers. Although tobacco has always been known for its harmful carcinogens that get pumped into the lungs when smoked, marijuana is estimated to have levels up to 75% higher than tobacco smoke. (Pros and Cons of Legalizing Recreational Marijuana). That can simply be avoided by eating edibles. An edible is an everyday food such as a piece of candy or even a cookie that has cannabis oils in it. Along with lung health, heart health can be an issue with any type of smoking. But heart health risks are slightly different than the usual with marijuana. “Using marijuana raises the heart rate from 20% to 100% for up to 3 hours after it has been smoked” That could lead to issues mostly for the elderly, or people with heart problems, because it raises the risk of heart attack or palpitations. There is theory after theory that marijuana is a “gateway drug”. Alcohol is also listed as a gateway drug, and it is legal. It has been shown that most drug users being with alcohol and tobacco before anything else. Anything can become a gateway drug if used irresponsibly. (Legalizing Recreational