The Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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This paper will explore published articles that explain why we should or should not legalize marijuana. Each article has their own views or research to support why or why not we should legalize marijuana. This paper will examine the different views on how we portray marijuana. Some would say it should be illegal while other states are beginning to legalize the use of marijuana. Depending on the state you reside in depends on the laws that are associated with marijuana. Some of the research that has been conducted into whether or not we should legalize is based on medical use, government views, is it addictive, and the effects it will have on the children and teens. Another point to look at is that marijuana is considered to be a gateway drug just like alcohol and nicotine which is legal but has an excise tax on the products as well as it is regulated by the DEA and the state government. Drug policy is frequently been based on perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes with very little current research.

The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana …show more content…

There have been a number of states in the United States to legalize marijuana. The federal government has not yet legalized marijuana. Under their rules and regulations, it is classified as a Schedule I under the Controlled Substance Act. There are many pros and cons that come with legalizing marijuana. Some would say it shouldn’t be legalized or be used in medical research. This is depending on who you talk to and their views of life. Marijuana can be considered the next gold mine for the United States because it is the fastest growing cash crop. Some also would say that moderate use of marijuana can lead users to pursue harder