The Pros And Cons Of Life Care Centers

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In examining the threats for Life Care Centers of America, one must consider the economic unpredictability of the future economy, the transformation of nursing facilities and the ongoing Federal lawsuits. First, in contemplating the unpredictable economy, every American heard President Trump pledge to leave Medicare untouched throughout his presidential campaign. However, he has called for a 6.2 trillion dollar tax cut that could upsurge the national debt 7 trillion dollars by next decades end ( Clearly, common sense says, these costs will greatly affect our economy and it is futile to think that it will not distress Medicaid. Particularly since there is talk of placing a cap on the federally funded portion of Medicaid …show more content…

Thus, the unpredictability of the future economy will negatively impact Life Care Centers of America’s business activities and clientele by increasing the financial charges of long term care, which will lead to a decrease in patients due to the inability to pay the mandated institutional fees. Secondly, in exploring the transformation of nursing facilities, one must contemplate future medical advancements and trends in caregiving. According to Carol Huston, “by the year 2020 the healthcare system will have transitioned from one which fixed people after they were sick to one of preventive, diagnostic, genomic-based medicine” ( This clarifies that technological advancement will move from treating illness to preventing illness which in turn will allow the seniors to live longer and more independent and productive lives without the inevitability of being institutionalized within the next four years. Yet, for some elderly, this technology has and will come too late. Many families are having to make decisions based upon the affordability of long-term care. Undoubtedly, nursing homes cost a lot of money, particularly due to the expenditures incurred with implementing new treatments, technology and even malpractice

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