Marketing: A Brief Note On Market Segmentation

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3- Market segmentation There is no democracy in business world .although eye care provide equal hi quality medical service to all patients but eye care loyalty program should offer more benefits to our valuable customer so we have to do customer segmentation which help to :- • Distinguish more valuable customers (individuals, organizations , groups..) from less valuable one . • Our marketing effort will be more efficient & economic. • Select the proper loyalty program for the most valuable customers . • Use less expensive loyalty program for less valuable customers. • Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into homogenous groups Segmentation process 1) Identify our business as short time life of using our service as surgeries and long time life of …show more content…

“Loyal customers may be a reference for the potential customers.” (KOÇOĞLU, 2012) 17. “Improvement of customer loyalty increases the rate of staff’s loyalty” (KOÇOĞLU, 2012) Characteristics a successful CLRM strategy 1) Have a clear vision, goals and objectives translated in action plane with millstone checks. 2) Listen to voice of customers (VOC) and understand his needs and expectations and analyze it. 3) Understanding customer experience by using experience mapping to analyze every touch point. 4) Make customer segmentation to target distinguish valuable customers which help to make efforts more efficient & economic. 5) Integrate all processes, functions, external network to create value to customer. 6) Use the latest technologies which keep us in touch with our customers . 7) Use software like ERP to be efficiently connected to customers and analyze them. 8) Commitment of leadership. 9) Involvement and empowerment of all employees. 10) Good training with providing clear and easy training materials. 11) Measuring and analyzing achieved objectives by using churn rate and customer tenure. 12) Keep listening to customer (VOC) and voice of the market. 13) Using loyalty

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