The Pros And Cons Of Mexico's Drug War

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The U.S unknowingly drove and still drives Mexico’s Drug War. Because of the recurring brutal violence in Mexico, guns are illegal. Gun laws are especially strict in Mexico compared to the US. If you get caught with a gun or any type of weapon (eg.knives, grenades) you will be sentenced to prison. This is detrimental to drug cartels because they need guns for protection from other cartels. They also need guns to execute those who know”too much” or have ”told too much.” Cartels obviously have a problem because they are so reliant on guns and weapons. In contrast, America is more lenient and easygoing when it comes to owning weapons and firearms. Since American gun laws are much more lenient, firearms are taken from gun stores in the U.S and …show more content…

For instance, the crime would be committing a crime as a result of the effect of the drug has on their behavior. Also, manufacturing, producing, refining, and selling the drugs are crimes as well. Additionally, legalizing drugs would crash Black markets since drugs would be available to everyone, the demand with decrease causing the Black market to fall. Further, people won't be pay large sums of money to purchase drugs off of the Black market. This will also cause the cartels and gangs to fall apart because they are so reliant selling and trading of drugs through the Black market, and they will be forced to create a business or quit. Again, regarding cartels, there won't as many territorial disputes, reducing crime and violence. Finally, people who were incarcerated for the possession of drugs will be set free, reducing the density, overpopulated prisons. The freeing of prisoners would result in tax dollars being spent elsewhere the. Spending it on keeping drug users in …show more content…

Verily, drug cartels run Mexico. The drug cartels have infiltrated the government, police state and army. This means that they can make the government, police, and army look legitimate, but in reality, the drug cartels are hugely associated with the government. The cartels that run Mexico have a great deal of power because of their connections with the U.S and Canada. They also have connections with the police, politicians, business people, the army, etc. This means that they have support and control from everywhere. Because they have so many connections (and money), they have offering people at their disposal to execute different tasks when help is needed. To put it differently, the cartels and Mexican government are allies, and the cartels have most of the power. The cartels need the government to look as authentic as possible so everyone thinks that cartels are under control, but in actuality, the cartels hold the power within the