
The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Medicine

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According to the oxford dictionary the definition of nuclear industry is The sector of industry concerned with the generation of nuclear power and associated manufacturing and trading activities. Three main ways nuclear industry is applied in today’s life is medicine, nuclear energy, and the food industry Nuclear medicine uses radioisotopes that are introduced into the body internally. Radio activity materials are used to reduce the need for prostate surgery. Radioisotopes are used to test drugs as part of development and licensing process. Radiation is used to sterilize surgical instruments and medical supplies. About one third of hospitals today use nuclear medicine to treat their patients. Nuclear technology uses radiation to improve the …show more content…

The few inherent risks are radiation my cause nausea, hair loss, changes in the blood, damage to the central nervous system and vomiting. The most server risk of radiation is increase in cancer to death, but a few of these risks are caused by the mistreatment of too much radiation (over 50000 mrem) and doctors are well trained to inject the right amount of radiation. When low doses of radiation are injected into the body the natural repair mechanism is to repair the damage to the cells before any effect is noticed. Benefits of nuclear medicine include x-rays which indicate broken bones and fractures, heart conditions, changes in the density of some softer tissues and collections of fluid. MRI scanners which show inflammation of soft tissue, tears of the muscle and ligaments and structural abnormalities of different organs. Cat scans which show cross-sectional images, or slices, of, blood vessels, bones, and soft tissues inside your body. Cat scans are like x-rays but show more information. A few examples of radioisotopes that allow for theses mechanics to work are 1311-Hippuran for kidney scans, 1311-iodinated oils for fat absorption and 51 Cr- Sodium chromate for spleen scanning. Injections might cause slight pain but are only temporary. These are the many benefits that outweigh the

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