Should Australia Invest In Nuclear Energy Essay

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Should Australia Invest In Nuclear Energy?

Is nuclear energy really important? What is nuclear energy? Nuclear energy is the energy released by a nuclear reaction (fission, fusion) in significant amounts. In nuclear energy, the water is turned into steam, which then drives turbine generators to produce electricity. This can be impregnable! Some of the major disadvantages include radiations, the supply of uranium/plutonium, the radioactive waste that would be produced, the cost, and accidents along with the consequences that can occur in nuclear reactors. I strongly believe that it is an atrocious idea to have Australia invest in nuclear energy.

First of all, supporting my argument, one of the major disadvantages are the accidents and consequences. Would you like to live in a country where these points could have the biggest impacts on your families or your lives? Accidents are never guaranteed. They don't come planned and it may as well take a second for everything to come to an end. Unfortunately, this has happened in Japan and US. Both of these countries suffered one of its worst …show more content…

Nuclear expositions produce radiations and the radiations can harm the cells of our body which can lead to a severe sickness or even kill us humans. Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves which cause ionization. Radiation sickness is caused by exposure to a high dose of radiation. When these particles come into contact with organic material, they will damage them, causing burns and cancer. Exposure to radiation makes our bodies produce fewer blood clotting agents, called blood platelets, increasing our risk of internal bleeding. Experts believe that approximately 50% of humans exposed to 450 rems will die, and 800 rems will kill virtually anyone. Death is inevitable and will occur from between two days to a couple of weeks and these radiations can take years to