The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Therapy

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With all of the negative studies about stem cells, Some people may have missed the pros to stem cell research. Some people may not have any idea that stem cells have already been used in lots of treatments. Scientist are learning more about stem cells and their ability to treat diseases more everyday. There are many good thing that come with stem cells and stem cell therapy. The pros of stem cell research have led to many therapies now available to treat a range of diseases and disorders, from various types of cancer to spinal cord injuries. One potential application for stem cells is there ability to treat disease and help therapies. Donated organs and tissues are what people to turn to right now to treat their damaged organs.The number of available organs is almost twice the number of available organs. Waiting lists for these organs are huge and most people die awaiting theses transplants. Stem cells on the other hand, offer a replacement to these organs, and most of the time as less deaths. Stem cell benefit include: Parkinson’s disease, type 1 …show more content…

Scientist and researches see an infinite use in stem cells. Using them as treatment for disease, to therapy. More than 100 million Americans suffer from a life threatening disease that stem cells can help cure. New drugs are now available to be tested on animals to make sure that nothing horrible can happen to the person. For example, a cancer cell line can be tested on a tumor, If the tumor and the cancer cell line match, scientists can find a way to treat it. Many people that continued research will lead to new treatment to life threatening disease. For those losing their lives from a life threatening disease, can be cured with stem