
The Pros And Cons Of The Advancement Of Automobiles

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The advancement of automobiles is one of the reasons why a lot of people are being so dependent on technology in terms of their safety and security. As the most widely accepted method of transportation, cars transformed the way people lived and influenced the society by the advantages that it has offered. In a world where heading to the grocery store takes you minutes to hours away from home, the need for improved transportation is truly a need. Today, a car is a necessity and not a luxury for most parents, but this does not mean that it is right to be contingent on it too much. The act of leaving a baby alone inside a car is illegal and inappropriate because there are significant risks to the health and safety of the child.

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Heat stroke is the first major risk that could affect the condition of a child inside a car, for it can easily damage the brain and other body organs of a child. Children that are left unattended inside a car are left with all the windows closed tightly, and the doors locked for safety; the car, then, becomes a death trap for suffocation. Suffocation is the second major risk that could negatively affect the child because it happens when the oxygen within the car is depleted, and it can happen at any temperature level or any type of weather (Tseng). Parents do not realize that temperatures do not have to be extreme for a child to suffocate and for the body to go into shock. “Paul says even coroners cannot say for sure when a hot car would be deadly for a child, so parents should not take any chances (“Parked cars can be death traps for …show more content…

There will be times wherein a parent may think that nothing wrong is going to happen to their child. Wrong decisions can result in extreme cases wherein both parents could be sentenced to jail for the negligence of their children (“Parked cars can be death traps for kids…”). But regardless of what some parents think, following the law is still the most important thing because it states that it is illegal within the United States to leave a child unattended in a vehicle (Tseng). This is the reason why it is important to know the limitations that we have in using this kind of technologies that help us to become more efficient and effective. A lot of parents must be aware of the law and their decisions that could possibly result in consequences that may affect not only them but also their

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