The question “Is NAFTA good for the U.S.?” can be answered both ways. Yes, the NAFTA is good for the United States, because it allows for trade to be made between Mexico and Canada. Another, is the United States may be limited to specific foods, that cannot be harvest during the winter season. However, Mexico may be able to supply the United States with these specific foods due to the warmer climate. We could also argue no that the NAFTA is not good for the United States, because Mexico wages are cheaper. Therefore, manufacturing companies will ship jobs to Mexico, and the process creates a domino effect. When manufactures ship jobs to Mexico, it causes the smaller businesses to shut down. (Yi,2017). Either way we look at it, the NAFTA has some good qualities as well as bad qualities. The NAFTA has increased illegal immigration in the United States, “With the reduction of tariffs, NAFTA also allowed …show more content…
There are 2.7 million Californians that are not insured, and a third of them are undocumented. While 12 million Californians are under-insured, this is due to high deductibles and co-pays. The insurance premiums have increased over 200 percent in the past decade, while wages have remained still. California also has 76.68 billion unfunded health care retiree liability, (Huffington Post,2017). The impact that illegal immigration has on California’s health care system, if a new law is passed. It will allow 390,000 illegal immigrants to receive healthcare. “May 16, a new law went into effect making 170,000 undocumented low – income children and teenagers eligible for Medi-Cal, California’s version of Medicaid program for the poor.” (Evans, 2016). If the plan is approved, it could help stop the rising cost in hospitals for patients that are uninsured. It was hard finding research on this topic, and all I could find was how California is trying to get a bill passed for health care for illegal