The Pros And Cons Of The Second Amendment

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The different viewpoints of the Second Amendment are as confusing as the combination of ice cream and pickles. While the authors of the Bill of Rights maintained the amendments to clearly define the rights of the American people, the description of the Second Amendment has been under speculation for several decades, likely since the amendment was written. Americans have repeatedly questioned the meaning of the amendment’s vocabulary and grammar structure. Challenges have appeared numerous times to the involvement of the government’s power over the Second Amendment. The amendment’s application in different situations has also been examined. With these analyses, the right to bear arms continued to develop while attempting to agree with the statement …show more content…

2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders suggested “instant background checks” for potential gun owners to prevent increasing mass shooting incidents (“Bernie Sanders”). The other candidates of the election have also included their suggestions for gun control, not only to address one of America’s leading issues, but also as a tactic to likening their election to presidency. President Barack Obama has also made statements regarding gun control, one especially resonating with citizens as he is visibly crying in his address for gun control (“Emotional Obama”). He mentions the several mass shooting incidents that afflicted the nation, and how the “right of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness … were stripped from college kids in Blacksburg and Santa Barbara, and from high schoolers in Columbine, and from first graders in Newtown” (“Emotional Obama”). After he made that statement, tears formed around President Obama’s eyes (“Emotional Obama”). Though these many mass shootings seem to occur more frequently than ever, the argument over Second Amendment rights appears to limit much action regarding gun control. The Second Amendment will likely remain a powerful topic in our modern world for generations to