The Pros And Cons Of Tobacco

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In 2001 the government of India stated that it will soon pass a bill “banning tobacco companies from

Advertising their products and sponsoring sports and cultural events.” The reason for the ban was to

Keep young adults away from tobacco products, and from consuming it. It was also so that they can help

Aid the government to pitch an anti-tobacco program. Finland, Norway and France have are all countries

That have enforced the same idea of banishments of tobacco Ads. Those that oppose the ban believed

It to be unnecessary and a violation of their private lives. For the people who were all in for the ban

Thought otherwise. They believed the state had every right to intercede in the all-inclusive interest of

The citizens. In 1991 the French constitutional council said that the ban wasn’t unnecessary and was

enforced to protect the common health of the public. The world health organization reported that the

tobacco was responsible for 3 million deaths in 1990. It later then rose to a staggering 4.023 million

deaths in 1998. In 1991 a case was opened regarding RJ Reynolds statements. Reynolds internal

documents was released in the United States stating that 14 to 20 year olds are ‘Tomorrows cigarette

business.’ The California supreme court made Reynolds remove its mascot joe camel because it was

encouraging young children to smoke. The court stated that his company could have been sued for

utilizing minors. The case was then closed in 1997. Suhel Seth CEO of