
The Pros And Cons Of Universal Healthcare

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a. There are many things in our life that seem great in theory. That seem like the idea is something everyone should get behind. The problem is that most things don’t work like they work in theory when put into practice. Universal Healthcare is an example of this.
b. Now I have spent a lot of time researching and finding everything that happens when universal healthcare is implement and some of the findings are quite unfavorable to most people
c. The reason why this is important is because on the surface it seems great and there is no discussion of the drawbacks. In our lives, we are going face this problem and we must make the best decision possible.
d. In the United States, we should not have Universal Healthcare for 3 reasons.
e. The …show more content…

This can easily be seen when you compare the US healthcare quality to countries that have already implemented Universal Healthcare systems. In the United States, for example, we have the highest cancer survival rate compare to European countries by an average of 15%. The US, also has better diagnose of high blood pressure and cholesterol problems compare to Europe by 24% and 20%. This from the BMJ Open journal published in 2013 by Joffres, Falaschetti, Gillespie. ii. The waiting time for procedure in the United States is much lower than in European and in Canada. In 2013 authors Viberg, Forsberg, Borowitz, Molin of the Health Policy journal stated that in the US if you need a bypass surgery 0% of people will wait longer than three months. In Europe 50% of people must wait longer than three months. For Hip Surgery in the US 90% of people will have surgery in less than 21 days. In Europe, the next closest country is Sweden with the average of 31 days and the highest wait time is in Canada with a wait time of 182 days iii. We can clearly see that the quality of health care is not even remotely close to what the US has. The US has much less waiting time and we are much better dealing with illness and treating

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