Mitigation In Emergency Management

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Mitigation is a process which is a part of the emergency management roles and responsibilities. However, the function of mitigation differs from other disciplines because it takes a long-term solution to prevent the specific event altogether (Haddow, Bullock & Cappola, 2014). Typically, emergency management leaders deal with preparedness as part of their primary focus. Preparedness is a state of readiness and the process seeks ways and methods to improve response to a disaster or emergency (Haddow, et al 2014). Some examples of emergency management preparedness include; shelter identification and management, methods of communication with the community during such times to maintain information sharing.
However, I do not believe emergency …show more content…

Although, the resilience concept is a newer theory, and is honestly the first time I am hearing of this idea in which it can be incorporated into the emergency management discipline. If emergency management leaders had community residents better trained to understand disasters from response to recovery the more assistance they could offer and perhaps minimize the level of chaos. I would recommend to any emergency management leader to consider the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), as the focus of the training. The course reviews disaster preparedness and several response and recovery components. I am a former instructor who found the course very informative to the lay person who typically had the willingness to learn and many became intrigued on how the emergency services operates. I understand that some emergency management leaders may have to consider local insurance or workers compensation for those who become part of the team or may already have enough CERT members. In this case offer components of the course so that the education gets to the community. Certainly, resilience through mitigation education is a different look, but a worth while concept for emergency management leaders to think about and …show more content…

In the case of the New Orleans levees the Army Corps of Engineers, community leaders, perhaps the National Flood Insurance Company representatives, and local engineers could have previously worked with New Orleans Emergency Management to rectify the issue prior to Hurricane