The Republican Party Essay

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The United States Republican Party is a political party that was created on February 28, 1854 during a protest meeting. The protest meeting was being held by anti slavery activists, in Ripon, Wisconsin. These activists were trying to come up with a plan to stop the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The antislavery activists wanted to prevent an expansion of slavery in to the states. Another name for the Republican party was the Grand old Party or GOP for short. Tbey were the more conservative groups of the political parties. The Republican Party became official in Jackson, Missouri on July of 1854. They had more control in the Northern states than in the Southern states. The Whig Party and the Free Soil Democrats joined the Republican Party …show more content…

Some of the Republican candidates for the upcoming presidency are Scott Walker, Nem Carson,Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul. In 2012, Mitt Romney was the Republican candidate for Presidency. One of the victories of the Republican Party is the winning of the midterm election in 2014. The result was the Republican Party taking back control of the Congress. The Republicans not only have held the majority of seats in the Senate, it had more governorships and state legislatures. The Republican Party was also known for having a large majority in the House of Representatives. The Republicans believed in their philosophy of regulating the government and watching over morality. The majority of Republican’s were with the Christian faith which meant they were trying to abolish abortion and to keep marriages between man and woman. Some rights of citizens includes freedom to express yourself, freedom to worship, right to vote and right to run for office. Some responsibilities as a citizen are supporting the Constitution, obeying the law, serving on a jury when called upon and to respect other people's beliefs. The Republican party had several goals in mind for the future which were preserving the union, ending slavery, giving equal rights to all men in American civil war and reconstruction. The impact of the Republican Party’s political change had a lot of good things happen for them. Putting a stop to slavery and having a strong National security are just to name a