Rise Of Globalization Essay

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During Colonial era, power countries, (UK, USA, France, Germany, other EU countries), have drained their colonies (Africa, Asia, South America) of their resources to fuel up their development. This has led the great advancement of those countries in terms of technology, educational, health, and industrial, making them even more powerful and advanced. Towards late 1960’s most of the colonies have gained their independence. Meanwhile, the great power countries of the world need to carry on building their capital, through favorable trade agreements for cheap raw materials (boundless.com). The rise of globalization was the answer to the ongoing demand of resources (Puig and Ohiocheoya). According to Guttal,“The term ‘globalization’ is used to describe a variety of economic, cultural, social, and political changes that have shaped the world over the past 50 years (Guttal). “One World, Many Peoples”, famous notation of globalization, led the …show more content…

Globalization is the removal of nations borders allowing for not only free trade by the abolition of customs and tariffs that has occurred due to GATT Uruguay Round, but also free transition of cultures, language and demolish of a nations’ identity. This is the agreement that the industrial countries (power countries) have come up with in conjunction with global agencies as World Bank and IMF, to allow for cheap sourcing of raw materials in exchange for industrial development of third world countries. Many scholars and critics have attacked this system as they see that globalization clones the colonialism model, by which, industrial countries (power countries) continues to extract and exploit resources of the non-industrial countries (namely their ex-colonies) (Linstead and