The Scorpion's Tale: A Fictional Narrative

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We are in line to enter Noah’s Ark the world’s largest water park, right outside of the gates . “Is it time to go in yet, is it time to go in the park.” I kept on asking my parents over and over again. “No Tyronne, we have to wait until the gates open at nine o’clock,” my mother said. It was sunny with a little breeze, but still cold because it was early morning. As I peered through the gates I noticed the huge park and tall rides. I wasn’t sure if the speed of the ride and the height of the ride would make stomach queasy. I kept telling myself “I am going to DO it, and I’m not going to be a scaredy-cat.” The clock has finally struck nine o’clock. When we entered the park we had no time to get nervous, we had to hustle to get to the ride of our choice. We decided to head to the Scorpion’s Tail, the most popular ride. …show more content…

My brother, dad and I were ready for the challenge of the Scorpion’s Tale. As we were going up the steps to the ride, I had mixed emotion; I was fearful because of the steep drop on the ride, yet I was excited for a new adventure. When we go to each level, I noticed signs for the ride right next to it “The Point of No Return.” The signs said “Get ready to scream for life. Don’t back down now. It’s now your turn to take the