Self-Reinforcement In Education

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Besides that, self-management also plays a very important role in university or college and also in workplace. Self-management appears in business and also education in the forms of techniques, skills and strategies that can help an individual to achieve the goals. (Iland, 22 Jan 2013 , p. 9). Self-management has three component which are self-monitoring, self-evaluation and also self-reinforcement. Self-monitoring is about having a self-awareness of own behaviours and values. Self-evaluation is about accessing knowledge and skills accurately toward the goals. The concept of self-reinforcement is to have a well-defined and realistic goal. (Exforsys, September 13, 2010)
In the aspect of tertiary education, students will be more stress resistant. …show more content…

Students that have self-management quality can have a better time management. When students have self-management, students automatically will management their time well. (Vaden, 2015, p. 25). It is because self-management is the combination of time, life and personal management. (Iland, 22 Jan 2013 , p. 9) When the students manage their time well, they will be more productive and also will make sure their assignment and work done on time. (Rashid, 2014) . Similarly, an employee who is proactive is also good in time management (Chris, 25-02-2018). This is because being proactive means taking timely and effective action before the problems appeared (Scivicque. C, 2016). Also, a proactive person would have a high probability that the effective results are running at 125% of the level compared to a person who is in a reactive mode and that means an employee could increase the productivity for the company by as much as 400% simply by shifting to a proactive time management system (Chris, 25-02-2018).In conclusion, self-management and proactive can help students and employees to manage their times …show more content…

The first one is teamwork. Teamwork is so important in the school and workplace that offers a chance to learn how to work and learn together (George N. Root III, 25-02-2018). Hence, the importance of teamwork at work is crucial to the success of a company since a company need a lot of employees to generate (George N. Root III, 25-02-2018). Other than that, second is self-management. Self-management skills are those component that help an individual to feel and be more productive in the workplace or school (Brianna Whiting, 25-02-2018). In other words, self-management is the key to the success of an individual (McConnell CR, 2010 Jan-Mar). Last but not least, the last is proactive. It means that they always take actions by causing things to happen rather than waiting to react after things happened (Scivicque. C, 2016). Indeed, a proactive individual always has a sense of direction and they know what they need in order to achieve their goals and objectives (TANVISHAH, FEBRUARY 3,