
The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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The tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet spans pages upon pages. Nevertheless, I am going to attempt to summarize it in one. Starting with probably the most important event; The duo meeting for the first time at the Capulet party. They are automatically smitten with one another. After the party Romeo returns to see Juliet. The two talk about how much they love each other and plan to get married. The problem? Juliet is a Capulet whereas Romeo is a Montague. Their two families have been in an everlasting feud. However, this will not stop them. They marry and everything seems to be going perfectly. Alas, nothing lasts forever. One night when Romeo and his best friend Mercutio are walking the streets they encounter Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt. Tybalt challenges …show more content…

An enraged Romeo then kills Tybalt. The Prince arrives and promptly banishes Romeo, thus separating him from Juliet. With Juliet’s family unknowing of their marriage, they arrange for Juliet to marry a man named Paris. Juliet is grief stricken with losing both Romeo and her cousin. She knows she cannot marry Paris as she is already married to Romeo. So she goes to the man who married them, Friar Lawrence. With Juliet threatening to kill herself if she doesn’t get out of marriage with Paris, Friar devises a plan. She must drink a potion that will make her seem dead, and when she is buried, Romeo will go to retrieve her. A desperate Juliet agrees. The next morning, the day of her arranged wedding, Juliet is found “dead’. They turn her wedding into a funeral and bury her. Friar had sent a messenger to tell Romeo of the plan, however the messenger never reached him. Romeo’s servant instead tells him the news of Juliet’s “death”. Romeo is grief stricken and sets off to her grave. When he arrives he sees Paris. They end up fighting and Romeo kills Paris. With that over, Romeo sees Juliet’s body and drinks a potion to kill …show more content…

The play takes place during the 1300s while the movie takes place in modern time. The play is set in Verona, not Verona Beach like the movie. Paris and Romeo never meet to fight one another in the movie either. In the play, Juliet did not witness Romeo kill himself. In the movie, the police chase Romeo as he attempts to reach Juliet, which never happened in the play. Juliet is also buried in a grave, unlike the movie which has her in the church. And lastly, in the movie Friar does not attempt to retrieve Juliet after finding out his message didn’t reach Romeo, which is kinda

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