
The Truth About Truman Essay

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The Truth about Truman Book Review The Truth about Truman is about a person named Zebby that just wants to make a newspaper that people can speak freely about Truman Middle School. So Zebby makes a website with her friend, Amr, where anyone can post freely as long as it is not false information. But instead, this website has turned into a cyberbullying cite where certain people bully a girl named Lily because they want revenge for what she has done do those certain people. (79) This book made me cringe because what those certain people said about Lily Clarke were just plain cruel. It just made me feel bad about what she was going through at that time. One connection that I have made throughout reading this book are that going through hard …show more content…

For example, when Lily said to Trevor,” You’re so ugly your mom would probably keel over and die of embarrassment for giving birth to you.” Then two days later Trevor’s mom actually did pass away. Those type of things repeat in your mind forever and it didn’t mean anything to Lily. (75) I like the ending of this book because I was very surprised that after all of that, Lily still apologized to Trevor for telling him the things about his mom. After all the mean and terrible rumors that weren’t true, she still apologized to Trevor. I don’t think there is much more to tell about this story, I like the way the author closed this story out. I do wonder, though, what ever happened to Sara Murphy. The author told us that she knew who MilkandHoney was but never told us how. (92) I feel like am most like Amr because I really enjoy doing things that involves technology. I feel like Amr and Zebby’s parents are exactly like my parents. Like Zebby and Amr’s parents, my parents would tell me that if I’m running a website and things start to go haywire, then they would make me take it down if it got to that point. Also, I feel like there are some people that go to this school that remind me of Hayley because they are really stuck up and think they are all that. But in reality they aren’t going anywhere in life.

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