The Veldt Character Analysis

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The parents, George and Lydia, are to blame for their own deaths because they allowed their children to spend so much time in the nursery that they got addicted. In the story, ¨The Veldt,¨ by Ray Bradbury, the main characters are George, Lydia, Peter, and Wendy. George and Lydia, the parents live in a futuristic Smart House with their kids, Wendy and Peter. In the house there are many things that do things for you. There is also a virtual reality room called the nursery. Even though the house gives the family many things, the kids get addicted to the technology. The parents start to get skeptical and turn the technology off too soon.

Early in the story we see George, the father, start talking about turning off the house and going on vacation. However, Peter persuades him otherwise, and eventually gets his father to give in. It states afterwards,¨“All right, go play in Africa.” …show more content…

Then, Peter goes on to say, ¨“I don’t think you’d better consider it any more, Father.”" This shows that George, the father, allowed Peter to talk back to him, and persuaded him never to turn it off. This is showing that George doesn't have the guts to say no to his kids, or at least set rules for the kids to

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