The 'Weapon Of Faith In The Company Of Wolves'

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The company one keeps reflects upon oneself. In The Company of Wolves, you will know what it means to howl, deceive, and cause a reign of terror. Everyone has a werewolf inside of them. The predatory creature symbolizes human damnation, wickedness, and a road of transgression.
Evil lives within everyone, and surrounds us. Witches, foul forests, and ominous nights wake the beast within ourselves. This dark story allows us to understand bloodthirsty wolves and their disregard for human life. In the forest you will find nothing but fear. Little girls flock small herds of sheep, always carrying sharp bladed knifes. They carry these blades in case of dangerous encounters and attacks. The road of life is treacherous, and filled with uncertainty. When bearing a gun, knife, or weapon for self-defense, humans feel secure and confident. No human is immune to death, but we aspire to protect ourselves, for as long as we can. Humans have always questioned and feared what they don't understand and cannot control.
Men of god who comply and live a life of religion use a different weapon, a weapon of faith. The weapon of prayer is a strong weapon installing goodness, and protecting us from the wicked. Men of god and faith are blessed, living a safe life in the village. The non-believers, and the damned often end up taking a wrong …show more content…

The wolf knows no mercy, it does not feel regret, and gives into its carnivorous state. Staring into the eyes of the damned causes more than terror. It can destroy one’s faith, sanity, and belief. The wolf comes in different forms, just as evil does. Evil sneaks up on you when you are at your most vulnerable and least expecting it. Judging a book by its cover, might be the last mistake you make. It is easy to trust someone who appears to be kind, principled, and beautiful. The foulness that beautiful monsters carry cannot always be sniffed