The Withdrawal-Devastation-Retreat Model In Medea

2011 Words9 Pages

In this document three classical horror stories will be analyzed to view the withdraw-devastation-retreat model that is common in many of these types of documents. Horror can be brought about in many ways, but I believe the withdraw-devastation-retreat model is one of the best situation to bring out horror. The withdraw-devastation-return model can basically be described as a character’s decision to journey to a place outside of their comfort zone and while in this strange place; destruction, death and terror reign to torture our characters until they have the chance to return to home. Even though these characters were spared, the ones who return home are never the same. This devastation, while they are in an unfamiliar place, is what really tests the characters because in the midst of heart racing, gut wrenching, terror they know nothing about their terrain and must evolve and master the ins and …show more content…

Medea left her home, in a classic withdrawal, to follow the man she loved across the world on his voyage, and she ended up fighting his battles along their way. Medea is still in the withdrawal period of her story whenever Jason and his crew arrive, and this is when the true horrors of the Medea are released. To Medea’s despair, Jason decided to marry the daughter of the King of Corinth, the lovely grey-eyed Creusa, despite his marriage to Medea and the fact that they have 2 young sons together. This complete betrayal by her true love is what pushes Medea over the edge. At first, she is devastated and wracked with crying fits but then she does what any woman would do in her situation, she gets her revenge. Once Medea realizes that she is the same strong and powerful woman who basically carried Jason through his many trials and battles she begins to plot her revenge, and so the horror

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