The Word Frequency Effect Model

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Word Frequency Effect


The word frequency effect a subject matter of cognitive psychology is one of the most well researched psychological phenomenon, research on this effect dates back several years, where Cattell (1886b) was one of the earliest pioneers who made empirical observations and demonstrated that the frequency of occurrence of a word in a language affects even the most basic processing of that word, its speed of recognition. People do not process “bassigkl” or “judhanjd” as quickly---or indeed in the same way--as they process “house” or “orange”. Later on, in an attempt to explain why words are read aloud faster than the corresponding objects or their properties can be named aloud, Cattell (1886a) suggested …show more content…

The specific design of the LCA model provides an ideal framework for conceptualizing the basic mechanisms involved in making a lexical decision. The participants are provided with practice trials first and later for the main experiment, a list of words and non-words where they have to discriminate between the same. Where list of words and non-words is the same for both the participants. For the experimental group, the participants are provided with a distraction while performing the task where the words are presented at different locations in every …show more content…


Annie Jalbert& Ian Neath &Aimée M. Surprenant, Does length or neighborhood size cause the word length effect?Published online: 2 April 2011, CopyrightPsychonomic Society, Inc. 2011

Colin M. MacLeod and Kristina E. Kampe University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus. Word FrequencyEffects on Recall, Recognition, and Word Fragment Completion Tests. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Copyright 1996 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. Learning, Memory, and Cognition 0278-7393/96/$3.00 1996, Vol. 22, No. 1, 132-142

Ste´phaneDufau, Jonathan Grainger, and Johannes C. Ziegler Centre National de la RechercheScientifique, Marseille, France, and Aix-Marseille University. How to Say “No” to a Nonword: A Leaky Competing Accumulator Model of Lexical Decision. Journal of Experimental Psychology: © 2012 American Psychological Association Learning, Memory, and Cognition 2012, Vol. 38, No. 4,