The Year-Round School Calendar

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. Students remember more, resulting in teachers spending less time reviewing material. Most educators and students acknowledge they do not read over summer break, this is a challenge for English teachers, so they spend the first grading quarter reviewing. One of the most stressful times a student will experience is the first day of school; year round school abates the suspense of a long summer break. Has previously mentioned, students roll from one grade to the next and because they are still in school mode the stress they feel from change or starting a new year disappear. What about teachers, how do they feeling about YRS? Teachers employed in year round schools prefer the year round calendar verses the traditional calendar (Sardo-Brown, Kneese). …show more content…

They welcome breaks to reflect on what they have covered, speak to one another, and plan the next lesson plan. Results of some studies even show that in general, year round schoolteachers have a better attendance record than those teaching in traditional schools. Short breaks known as intermissions boost their self-esteem, ambition while reducing stress or anxiety (Kneese). Many teachers have the option of teaching or substitute teaching intersession courses preventing them from having to find a second job (Kneese). This is a plus for the teacher, meaning they have opportunities to work year round securing an income the entire year. More people would pursue a career in teaching, knowing employment is year round. Year round schooling allows for the easing of overcrowding, reduction in class size, and opportunities for teachers to work year round and better use of facilities with potential for cost savings (Worthen, B., & Zsiray, …show more content…

Summer months are the most energy sapping months of the year on both homes and commercial buildings. The cost in utilities from running during the months of June through August would adversely affect the school, making year round schooling unsustainable. This is a basis for the argument that year round schooling is not cost effective. However, in a research survey conducted by Hanover Research, they report that financial benefit may be one of the top causes for a school choosing to instate a multi-track year round schooling system (“Costs and Benefits of…,” 2013). To further detail this, they quoted California Department of Education’s note in their “Year Round Education Program Guide” that the school systems can avoid costs on supplies, utilities, maintenance, transportation, and even costs on additional personnel and facilities, as well as report savings from reduced vandalism and less absenteeism (Yeager, 2016). On top of this, average year round schools are found to be open a mere 9 days more than traditional ones (Zubrzycki, 2015), making the actual amount of utilities, supplies, and maintenance costs negligible and predictable. If year round schooling was found to be beneficial as a nationwide educational system,