
Theme Of She Kills Monsters By Qui Nguyen

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In the play "She Kills Monsters", written by Qui Nguyen, the theme is about processing grief. It is about a teenage girl named Agnes, who loses her younger sister Tilly after a car accident. Agnes processes Tilly's death differently throughout the play. After a year of Tilly's passing, Agnes did not seem to process her death, until she came across a manual written by Tilly, which turned out to also be a diary. Agnes dedicated quite a bit of her time playing the game and feels she is beginning to understand her sister. For example, Tilly was bullied because she was gay. Then, Agnes struggles to realize that she will not be able to get to know Tilly on a deeper level, as an adult - she only knew her as a baby, a toddler, and the annoying little sister. Towards the end, Agnes meets Tilly's friends and can connect with Tilly through them, which leads to Agnes accepting Tilly's death. …show more content…

For instance, each actor had their own personality, so it was easy to identify all the characters. I liked how they kept the costume changes to a minimum, yet they would change in particular scenes to set the ambiance. The actors playing Orcus and Vera were the ones that stood out to me. They both were effective in the play - Vera was the overprotective best friend who in the end, wants what is best for Agnes. Orcus' character was humorous, so it helped shift the tone when in a difficult scene. The props, stage sets, lighting, and music helped to understand each scene as well. As a visual person, I was able to connect more while watching the

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