Theoretical Perspectives On Abortion

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Abortion is the process of termination of pregnancy or the process by which the life of a foetus is put to halt through medical or other external procedure. Abortion was and still remains one of the controversial issues, not only in the United States but around the world too.

The United States after attaining independence, adopted the English laws of abortion into its system of law. As a result abortion went on to be legalized and non-legalized with the advent of different laws in different times. It was in the case of Roe v. Wade that abortion was legalized. It laid down points on how and when an abortion was to be done. After the state applied the common law to the issue of abortion it was held that abortion was not to be applied after the …show more content…

Despite all the efforts to end the practice of abortion there were contemporary advertising which was increasing the United States. The contemporary estimates show that there has been a marked shift in the persons obtaining abortions. Before the start of 19th century most of the abortions were sought by unmarried women and now, according to the survey, abortions have been reported to be done by married women and over 60% of the married women already had one child. This raised alarm in the country and the need to codify abortion law was put forward. Many feminist thinkers also came forward to support the anti-abortion regime. However the physicians remained the more powerful counterpart in bringing forward the anti-abortion regime. They not only put forward anti-abortion regime but also laws against birth …show more content…

The decision to terminate the pregnancy is to be the sole decision of the mother and there should not be any other third party interfering in that decision making process except the father of the child. The stipulations laid down by different laws of the state tend to invade the right to privacy granted by the constitution of the United States. There have been a lot of movements and uprisings that supported and went against the issue of abortion. It also raised an issue on the right to life of the mother and child. The foetus is connected to the mother and the mother connected to the foetus. Any change in the mother’s body or to the child affects each other. It raises an important question as to whether the right to life affects the child whilst in the mother’s

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