Theoretical Principles And/Or Research-Based Best Practices

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Theoretical Principles and/or Research–Based Best Practices in this Lesson
1. Clearly state the theory or research-base for this lesson and WHY it is appropriate for this lesson.
Lesson 1 & 2: Research has shown that all students learn best in different ways. In addition, it has been proven that students must be given a chance to practice the new content presented in order to truly understand it. As teachers, we must always keep this in mind as we plan lessons, working to ensure that all of our students are given opportunities to be successful in the everyday classroom and giving them chances to practice the concepts in fun, engaging ways. Within this learning segment, I made a point to address the needs of all my learners: auditory, visual, …show more content…

Lesson 2: In Lesson 2, the academic language is very similar to that in Lesson 1 but also includes quarter and half-dollar.

2. Explain how the Academic Language is scaffolded in the lesson.
Lesson 1 & 2: To scaffold the academic language in both of these lessons, students will be expected to say the “Coin Poem” with me, and I will hold up pictures of the different coins at the appropriate time. I will also post these pictures on the board (with their corresponding values underneath) for students to reference throughout the rest of the class. This will allow all students to practice saying the words and give them a visual representation. To scaffold “skip count,” I will take the time to intentionally teach them what it means and have them repeat it back to me.

3. Describe the evidence that students know and use the Academic Language appropriately.
Lesson 1: In the conclusion, students will find a partner and discuss what they learned today. Each group will have a chance to share their responses to the rest of the class. While listening to their responses, I will have a much better understanding of whether or not my students know and can use the academic language …show more content…

211-212) during class. This worksheet contains 7 total problems involving skip counting to find the value of groups of dimes, nickels, and pennies. The problems on this worksheet will be very similar to the problems we completed together as a group during class, ensuring that they are each closely aligned to the objective. (Lesson Plan 1)
- Formal: Students will complete the “What’s in Piggy’s Bank?” worksheet as they do the activity. This worksheet requires students to record the types of coins rolled (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars) and total their value. The completion of this activity is closely aligned with the practice problems we did in class together, guaranteeing that the objective is met. (Lesson Plan 2)
- Formal: In the conclusion, students will complete a short Kahoot! quiz, reviewing the various concepts we have been working on throughout the last couple of days. This assessment will provide me with concrete evidence that students met the objective, because the content and questions included will be directly related to what was introduced and practiced. (Lesson Plan

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