Digital Native Leadership Stereotypes

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A new generation of young leaders is entering the higher education leadership workforce. This generation is known as digital natives. They are also known as millennials or the net generation (Nikravan, 2011). For the purpose of this research, they will be identified as digital natives. Digital natives are most often characterized by their age and as the generation that has experienced the total infusion of technology since birth (Prensky, 2005). Digital natives’ leadership characteristics can be defined as optimistic, team-oriented, and able to multitask (Prensky, 2005). There are three older generations that will be discussed that are currently serving in leadership capacities inclusive of educational entities in the workforce today. …show more content…

In many cases, leaders are accountable for transformation in an organization. Leader-follower dynamics should be explored from the two varying viewpoints, digital natives and digital immigrants, to further understand the preferences of leadership styles in higher education. To further grasp the effectiveness of leaders based upon the perception of its followers, the evolution of leadership styles should be explored. Recent leadership concepts including transformational, charismatic, transactional, and Theory X and Theory Y facilitates an investigation of leader-follower associations. Robert Blake and Jane Mouton’s Managerial Grid model of leadership, based on Theory Y, will expound upon consideration referred to behavior reflecting respect for subordinates’ ideas and …show more content…

The difference between digital natives and digital immigrants have made for difficult work conditions in some respects. A few experts in this field of study state that these differences and difficulties stem from generational diversity in the workplace (Dittmann, 2005). The developers of the generational cohort theory affirm that different generations of workers and leaders have different values and behave differently (Sessa, Kabacoff, Deal, & Brown, 2007). Generations are influenced by its specific economic and political issues of its time. Issues like the World War II, the Great Depression, the Civil Rights Movement, and 9-11 mold and shape leadership styles and generational perspectives of the people who experienced these great happenings. Important social occurrences help to shape a specific generation and how it thinks and behaves (Dittmann, 2007). Currently, work environments and most effective leadership styles require leaders and subordinates from these various generations to work closer and be more connected than ever before (Carucci &Epperson, 2011). Digital immigrants (veterans, babyboomers, and generation xers) across the board in various fields comprehend that their leadership should be based on legacy. In higher education, theses digital immigrant leaders believe that if they remain loyal to an organization or university, then eventually they will