Erikson's Theory Of Identity Vs Role Confusion Essay

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Framework of the Study

There are theories and concepts that will greatly support this study. First of which is the Erikson‘s theory of Identity vs. Role Confusion. The theory has asserted that the ages of 13 to 19 years state that as children make the transition from childhood to adulthood. When they become adolescents, they ponder the roles they will play in the adult world.
Initially, they are apt to experience some role confusion mixed ideas and feelings about the specific ways in which they will fit into society and may experiment with a variety of behaviors and activities (e.g. tinkering with cars, baby-sitting for neighbors, affiliating with certain political or religious groups). Erikson is credited with coining the term "Identity Crisis."
Each stage that came before and that follows has its own 'crisis ', but even more so now, for this marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. This turning point inhuman development seems to be the reconciliation between 'the person one has come to be ' and 'the person society expects one to become '. This emerging sense of self will be established by 'forging ' past experiences with anticipations of the future.
“Given the right conditions, what may emerge is a firm sense of identity, an emotional and deep awareness of who he or she is. Oftentimes, this leads to conflict with adults over religious and political orientations. Another area where teenagers are deciding for themselves is their studies and career choice,