Therapeutic Nursing-Client Relationship Analysis

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This week I had the opportunity to work with an occupational therapist during morning care. This gave me the chance to work and collaborate with other team members. It also presented an opportunity for me to learn about the occupational therapist role with different patients.
This week in clinical gave me an opportunity to work with a different member of the health care team during morning care. This was a great opportunity to be able to work with a different member of the health care team. It was interesting to see how she interacted with my patient and was able to answer a lot of my questions about her role in the patients care. I was just finishing up taking my patients vitals when the occupational therapist came in, she was there because …show more content…

It discuss the importance of using therapeutic communication, it explained the impact of giving the patient time to explain themselves, “listening to, understanding and respecting the client’s values and opinions,” and listening to the concerns from the client’s family (Standards of Practice for Nurses in Ontario, 2002, p.5). When comparing the communication skills I used for my situation with the CNO standard, suggestions I can see that I was able to follow a lot of their suggestions in order to have effective communication with my patient. When conducting my head to toe assessment, when gather background information on him he took more time to answer. I was able to use silence to allow him to sort through his thoughts and did not rush him to answer. Also when during the neurological assessment he had trouble figuring out the year. I made sure to give him time to work through it instead of just telling him the year when he began to have trouble. I was able to meet his two daughter and listened to their concerns they had. One of them was very concerned because he seemed a lot more tired than the day before. I was able to explain that 15 minutes before she had arrived we had just finished up …show more content…

Bevis defines communication as a process in which self-reflection and the use of verbal and non-verbal cues help to promote the ability to send and receive messages (Foley, 2009). I used communication throughout my time spent with my patient and his family. By using therapeutic communication such as silences and actually listening to both my patients concerns and the concerns I was able to help comfort them and decreases some of their anxiety. This helped me to build a therapeutic relationship with my patient and his

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