
Thesis Statement For Research Paper

650 Words3 Pages

My thesis statement is that the even the smallest spark can ignite the biggest fire. Good ideas, even if only one person has them, can soon spread like wildfire and then everybody is benefitting from it. When reading the African proverb that this paper is a response to, I enjoyed the simplicity of it and it is in its simplicity that its wisdom lies. When viewing the world in its entirety, or the universe for that matter, it is easy to fall into the assumption that no matter what you do, you will not be able to make a difference. This, I can assure you, is false. While we are not as grand as the universe, we can still make a big difference, for it is often the smallest things that make the biggest difference. The things that we take for granted the most are often the things that we need most. Simple things, such as saying “good morning” or “hello” to everyone you meet, can make their day. While you may think these things to be small, they add up over a lifetime and a lifetime’s worth of good deeds and helpfulness will have affected numerous lives. If you cannot change the world for everybody at once, start out by …show more content…

A person’s teasing can really hurt without them realizing it. Not saying hello to someone who greeted you can make the greeter think that you dislike them for a reason that they cannot figure out. This I know from personal experience, and I can assure you that it is not fun. Life is too short to live a life of hate, greed, or prejudice. This is why I suggest that people strive to change the world for the better, to start small and then pretty soon they will be saving the world, one friendly smile or helping hand at a time. For the people who say that there is no glory or reward in helping others, a warm smile and the feeling of a job well-done is worth more than all of the money in the

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