Thunderbird Spirit Summary

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maine idea do not be scared to say stuff to the cops. ideas 1. the team is playing 2. a guy from other team dumped the puck in the zone 3. keets drive out the puck hit him and goes off the boards then he gose on the breakaway and scores 4. they celebrate the win bake all they bake home 5. then they see that datke car is burnt and in spa pint they wort go back to your tribel or die in the city 6. then they start to talk about the coach ch 6-8 The person who wrote Thunderbird Spirit is Sigmund Brouwer. I think that this book is written for kids. I think that the author message in the few chapters is that to not be secured to tell the cops if something happens to you. The game has tied and Keets team was short a player. The team was playing …show more content…

One reason why Sigmund Brouwer did a good job saying her message because in the book Keets said “ you are crazy you are not telling the cops that someone shoot at your truck if you do not tell they they will do it again.That is say to not be secured to tell the cops if something happens to you because Keets told him that they will do it again and this time they did worse then before and you do not want your car burt. One more reason why the author did a good saying to not be secured to tell the cops if something happens to you is because when they get back the cops are there and Dakota had to answer questions the cops had. That is saying to to not be secured to tell the cops if something happens to you because who wants to keep answering questions to the cops. My last reason why the author did a good job saying his message because Dakota had to lie to the cops because he did not want anyone to know that his car had been shoot. That is saying to not be secured to tell the cops if something happens to you because he had to lie and if you lie to the cops you might get in double. Those are my reasons why Sigmund Brouwer did a good job saying about to not be secured to tell the cops if something happens to