To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

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To Kill a Mockingbird shows many important lessons all throughout the book. The book was written beautifully with true intentions to subtly make people think about what is going on in their current time period compared to the time the book was published (the 60’s). Today we still have traces of racism and other issues of discrimination, but it is nothing compared to what was going on in the time period of TKAM. The novel shows the Maycomb community for what it truly is, with its extensive use of the n word and constant prejudice against many characters. It truly makes the reader think about the modern world and how different times are compared to now. The reader would read the book and instantly feel how different times our now, just by the word choice of the book. In the modern world people are very sensitive with their words and don’t speak as open and raw as the book does. In To Kill a Mockingbird Jem states that “having one drop of black blood counts you as all black” (Lee 164). Reading this can make one reflect on how insane this statement seems. It makes a person look at modern age and realize so many people are biracial and they don’t claim themselves to one race, but this book states that even if you were half white being half …show more content…

Lee tried to show readers how judgmental people are and how people can be “real nice” if you just got to know them and that “most people are” once you just get to know them (Lee 284). Many high schools and other places such as work show very judgmental environments. In the book Maycomb is seen as this community that all judges each other despite their own appearance, and this gives reign to how things are today in modern society. People are very quick to state their opinion and judge even if they could be judged just as easily. It is seen all through social media and modern pop